Our June 4th event was a HUGE success!

Thank you so much to the volunteers, educational exhibitors, speakers and vendors. Each of you made this a unique and fun event.

I hear so many compliments from the public. They were in awe of the variety of booths and how knowledgeable everyone was. There were several families who came and STAYED ALL DAY!

I bet I have been ask at least fifty times if we plan to host this event again. I haven’t committed yet, but I am definitely leaning toward saying yes. There is such a need for eduction about living a self sufficient lifestyle.

Check here or on our Facebook page soon and we will make an announcement. https://www.facebook.com/Old-Fashioned-Freedom-Living-a-Self-Sufficient-Lifestyle-Educational-Event-104616145569211

If you’d like to join the co-op group that came up with the idea of having this event, join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/384327401597526

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